We were thrilled to announce the winners of the 'I Am Writing' competitions 2022 at the 'I Am Writing' Festival in Winchester.

I Am Writing Thriller Competition 2022. As part of the I Am Writing Festival in Winchester. Judged by Karen Hamilton

I Am Writing THRILLER Competition Winners 2022!

The first 3,500 words of any type of thriller novel had to be submitted.

1st Prize: 3 x Agent121 sessions

1st - DARLING GIRL by Victoria Brown

2nd Prize: 2 x Agent121 sessions

2nd - THE BABY IN THE BOX by Anne Hamilton

3rd Prize: 1 x Agent121 session

3rd - PUSH ME, PULL YOU by Jill Whitehouse

Judged by: Best-selling author, Karen Hamilton

Karen Hamilton worked as long-haul cabin crew for many years before putting down roots in Hampshire with her husband and three sons to pursue a writing career. She is a graduate of The Faber Academy. Her first novel, The Perfect Girlfriend, was a Sunday Times bestseller and is soon to be made into a TV series starring Anna Friel.

I Am Writing Flash Fiction Competition 2022. As part of the I Am Writing Festival in Winchester. Judged by Claire Fuller

I Am Writing FLASH FICTION Competition Winners 2022!

Entrants had to write a story with a beginning, middle and end in only 300 words that transports the reader and leaves them wanting more? Stories had to be written for adults on any theme or subject and couldn't be a word over 300, including the title.

1st Prize: £200

1st - THE TOOTH FAIRY'S DAUGHTERS by Kathryn Clark

2nd Prize: £100

2nd - JUST DESSERT by Julie Davies

3rd Prize: £50

3rd - OVER THE EDGE by Honor Somerset

Judged by: Award winning author, Claire Fuller.

Claire Fuller is the author of Our Endless Numbered Days, Swimming Lessons, Bitter Orange, and Unsettled Ground.

I Am Writing Picture Books Competition 2022. As part of the I Am Writing Festival in Winchester. Judged by Little Tiger

I Am Writing PICTURE BOOKS Competition Winners 2022!

Entrants were invited to submit up to two texts of no more than 600 words each – in prose or verse – that are perfect for sharing with children aged 3-6.

1st Prize: £200, a one-to-one Zoom editorial consultation with the Little Tiger editorial team to discuss the winning submission plus a £50 book token

1st - MANDY IS STILL A BANANA by Zoe Arena

2nd Prize: Written editorial feedback and £30 book token

2nd - BELLY BUTTON by Anne Weedon

3rd Prize: Written editorial feedback and £20 book token

3rd - THE TIGER TAMER by Becky Wilson

Judged by: Little Tiger

Little Tiger publishes a huge range of formats and genres, for children and young people, striving to create a diverse range of high-quality books, with something that will appeal to every reading taste, helping children develop a passion for books and a life-long love of reading. They work with much-loved authors and illustrators and especially like humorous, touching and imaginative picture books which provide a satisfying reading experience for child and parent alike.

I Am Writing Poetry Competition 2022. As part of the I Am Writing Festival in Winchester. Judged by Claire Dyer

I Am Writing POETRY Competition Winners 2022!

Entrants could submit up to 3 poems around the theme of 'well-being or self-care' in up to 40 lines, excluding the title.

1st Prize: £100 in book tokens

1st - IF TODAY WERE CIRCLED IN RED by Mary Mulholland

2nd Prize: £50 in book tokens

2nd - LAST WALK by Gill Learner

3rd Prize: £25 in book tokens

3rd - YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND by Sarah J Bryson

Judged by: Claire Dyer,

Claire Dyer's poetry collections are published by Two Rivers Press, her novels by Quercus and The Dome Press. Her latest novel, The Significant Others of Odie May, is published by Matador. She curated Reading's Poets' Café from 2016 to 2021 and now co-hosts Poets' Café Online, teaches creative writing and runs Fresh Eyes, an editorial and critiquing service. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Royal Holloway, University of London and is a regular contributor on BBC Radio Berkshire.

I Am Writing Romance Competition 2022. As part of the I Am Writing Festival in Winchester. Judged by Kate Nash Literary Agency

I Am Writing ROMANCE Competition Winners 2022!

Entrants had to submit the first 3,500 words of any type of romance novel for adults.

1st Prize: £100 plus a 30 minute online consultation with Kate Nash from Kate Nash Literary Agency

1st - LINK UP by Unity Jeffery

2nd Prize: £50 plus 500 words of written feedback

2nd - PLAYERS by Jennifer Page

3rd Prize: £25 plus 500 words of written feedback

3rd - LOVE IS FOR THE GOOD by Sophie Neville

4th - IT'S ALL GREEK TO ME by Alicia Pountney

5th - DEAD WOMAN WANTING by Dawn Rachel Carrington

6th (Joint) - THE TRICKY HUSBAND by Karen Ze Wade

6th (Joint) - TAKE TWO by Stacey Clark

Highly Commended - A CONCERT FOR CHRISTMAS by Helen Hawkins

Highly Commended - BREAKING THE ICE by Alyson Lawson

Highly Commended - THE SCENT OF ROSES by Heather Needham

Judged by: Kate Nash Literary Agency

Founded in 2009, Kate Nash Literary Agency Ltd has gone on to become one of the UK’s foremost independent literary agencies, specialising in bestselling commercial fiction and non-fiction for adults, young adults and children. They are based near Oxford and thrive at providing the best service to authors and seeing them succeed.

I Am Writing Short Stories Competition 2022. As part of the I Am Writing Festival in Winchester. Judged by Writing Magazine.

I Am Writing SHORT STORIES Competition Winners 2022!

Entrants had to submit a complete short story for adults on any theme between 1500 and 1700 words long.

1st Prize: £250 plus publication in Writing Magazine, and a one-year subscription.

1st - CROSS MY HEART by Ruth Clarke-Irons

2nd Prize: A one-year subscription to Writing Magazine.

2nd - A GIFT OF FLOWERS by Biagio Arancio

3rd Prize: A one-year subscription to Writing Magazine.

3rd - THE TEMPORAL WORKER by Rewan Tremethick

Judged by: Writing Magazine


Most frequent questions and answers:

Please email us at: competitions@iaminprint.co.uk if you cannot find the answer to your question.

The closing date to enter is 11:59pm BST on Friday 21 April 2023.

You may enter the Flash Fiction, Poetry and Picture Book competitions as these are not judged by agents. All other competitions are judged by agents, so in the interest of fairness, only unagented writers can enter.

Yes. All entries must be in English, but are accepted from international writers.

No. Do not include your name on your entry. The judging will be completed annonymously. 

Each competition entry costs £11. See each individual competition for the rules on how many entries can be submitted per fee.

The winners will be announced on Saturday 20 May 2023 at the I Am Writing Festival and then be uploaded to www.iaminprint.co.uk by Friday 2nd June 2023. You do not need to attend the festival to enter. 

No there will not be a long-list or a short-list. We will announce 1st, 2nd and 3rd place only.

No. We will only publish the winners names and entry title, not the actual document.

The one page synopsis can be single spaced. Your 3,500 words should be double lined spaced.

No. Your manuscript does not need to be complete to enter, but you do need a one page synopsis for some of the competitions. Please see the individual guidelines on each competition for more information.