Aine O'Connor - Came 2nd in the I Am Writing MG Competition

Aine O’Connor

Aine's story DO YOU SEE ME NOW? was placed second in the I Am Writing MG competition 2024, judged by Lydia Silver.

Áine was a 2023 ELF Seddiqui First Chapter writing fellow mentored by novelist Ali Sparkes. Her children’s writing has won the Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair Competition and been shortlisted for the Staróg Prize run by Walker books and the Search for a Storyteller Competition run by David Fickling Books, as well as longlisted for the Cheshire Novel Prize Kids. 

She has worked as an English teacher and Constituency Office Manager for an Irish TD. She lives in the UAE with her husband and two children and enjoys traveling, walking, snorkeling and more recently, scuba diving! 

What was the inspiration behind your story DO YOU SEE ME NOW?

DO YOU SEE ME NOW was inspired by my love of pop music and stories featuring doubles and swops! 

What did you do to celebrate winning?

I was delighted to come second in the I Am Writing Middle Grade competition and was in Kenya when I received the good news. Later that day I walked into a Green Mamba dining on a mouse, so took it as a good omen! (Though the mouse probably didn’t feel so lucky!) 

What has happened since winning the competition?

I was thrilled with the opportunity to speak with the lovely judge, Lydia Silver. It has really spurred me to get back to a writing routine and have been busy editing and redrafting the book ever since. 

I would encourage anyone to enter the competition in future!